关于我们《飙股兵法》股市资讯 stocks369.com
孙子曰: 兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。
《《指导老师: 吴继宗老师(又名锺观涛)》》
– 现任股票经纪有30年经验
– 举办股票讲座和研讨会,估计有500场
– 提供股票投资课程,股市达人实战培育课程,股票技术分析
– 提供股票软件:KC自动选股神器(静态软件), KC赢家神器(动态软件)
– 目前在星洲日报/星洲网/财经网/投资周刊/吴老师专栏【筹码K线】撰写股票分析评论
– “988 电台 每周一早上准8点的股票点评及行情分析師”(2008-2018)
– “畅销书《股市创富大赢家》作者,资深股票经纪,股票部落客作者”
– 大马股壇驰騁30年,他有一个时期也曾以鍾涛之名在南洋商報经济版撰写过股票专欄
– 目前为《飙股兵法》www.stocks369.com 网站的主笔,提供精选股票分析、股票点评
– 经常在The Edge 报章作股票评论,为日经外电股市展望评论员
这是一个做股票教育的视频,不是股票买卖建议,买卖亏损自负. 要在股市保持长胜,建议必须通过不间断的学习,有心在股市获取被动收入者,可以询问吴老师的『股市达人实战课程』及『KC自动选股神器云端软件系统配套』 请电话询问:+6012-6597910. WhatsApp here: https://wa.me/60126597910
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💰 吴老师脸书:KC GOH
KLSE Winner – 股市大大赢家: https://www.facebook.com/www.stock369.net
Stock369.net 飙股兵法: https://www.facebook.com/stock369.net/
《KC GOH 吴老师 股票投资教育频道》 https://www.youtube.com/@kcgoh3369/
《KC GOH 大马股票点评和股票技术分析》 https://www.youtube.com/@KCGOHSharesFormulas/
要在股市保持长胜,建议必须通过不间断的学习,有心在股市获取被动收入者,可以询问吴老师的『股市达人实战课程』,『KC自动选股神器云端软件系统配套』 及『KC AI MCM 赢家神器』
📲 请电话询问:+6012-6597910 / +6019-5213439
📱WhatsApp 留言信息: https://wa.me/60126597910
❤️ 股市达人实战课程 : https://stocks369.com/practicalstockinvestmentcourse/
❤️ KC自动选股神器云端软件系统配套: https://stocks369.com/kcgohsharesformulas8/
❤️ KC AI MCM 赢家神器买卖讯号系统: https://stocks369.com/kc-ai-mcm-stockmarket-winner/
Sun Tzu said: What is War? War is one of the most vital affairs of state. War is where life and death meet; it is the road to destruction or survival. It demands study.
Participating in the stock market is like fighting a war.
Many of us paid high tuition fees in the stock markets, hopefully after this constant trial and error, we can build our own stock picking logic, and can turn the negative energy into positive one.
When we enter the stock market, we must develop a habit, looking at K Chart or Japanese Candle Stick Chart to determine the point of entry and exit, so that we can increase the winning edge.
We, basically, are looking for the uptrend stock, as long as the direction is right, you set to make money.
Thus, after the K Chart shown the rising pattern, we should just enter immediately.
When a stock is in the upward trend, we can buy low and sell.
We must maintain our positive energy and should not treat investing in stock as gambling. We should monitor our holding daily as to their fluctuations. Stock investing is a lonely game. We should be able to withstand the pressure of working alone and we should not relax because the stock market will never sleep. So how can we sleep, we must always stay awake and alert.
We must just buy when we see a buy signal. If we miss it, and if the trend has changed, we should just give up. We rather miss than making a wrong move.
However, once we see a sell signal, we should just sell. We would rather take profit prematurely than delay in our move in selling which would cause us a fortune.
If we are a small retail player, we should carry with us the thinking that little profit would add up into a fortune just like our Malay friends said: sedikit sedikit menjadi bukit. Each time if we can achieve a net profit of 3%, for 10 trades we can make 30% profit. We can be comparable to Mr. Warren Buffet.
Let us work together! Cheers!https://wa.me/60126597910